176명 전원 사망한 우크라이나비행기 추락사건
Flight 752에서 무슨일이 있었던걸까?
- We're protecing the identity of the source out of concern for their safety.
- Nuance/Account for: Ashely Burk and her team and several people translated the record from Pharcy to account for any nuances in the language
- Exclusive : Here is an exclusive look at what reveals
- Infiltrate (잠입자): For 13 months the question has been could this have been intentional. The voice at sources identified as Iran's minister foreign affair says on a secrete recording it's possible. They could have been infiltrators.
- Impeachment(탄핵)/senate(상원)/dejavu/razor: A littel more than a year since his first impeachment, Donald Trump is now on a trial again in US senate. so it may feel like dejavu, but lots have changed. Inside, senaters in masks, hearing a case against a, now, formal presedent and outside, national guards, solders and razor-wired fences a sign that no chances are being taken on security in the wake of the violance that led to Trump's unprecedented second impeachment
- inciting(조장/선동하다) an insurrection(반란)/feed into(~에 넣다)/partisan(편파적인)/frenzy(광분, 광란): Yah, another history making moment on capital, Hill Adrian, the first impeachment trial of a former US presedent Donal Trump feeding right into divided America is this just a punishment of an inciting an insurrection or is this a partisan feeding frenzy man to prevent Trump from ever running again
- searing(혹독한/타는듯한), searing 13-minute movie
- ramble on it(횡설수설하다)/blow-back (the unintented adverse results of a political action or situation): Well, some blow-back from Trump in his florida estate is extremely unhappy with his legal team's performance the lead lawyer Bruce Caster rambling on it points not pressing his points and even complementing the democrats on their presentation of course this was the team he hired a week ago after he fired his first legal team
- mob(군중, 공격, 폭력사태를 조장하는 무리): I don't think so. I really don't think that this is about politics. Uhm, you know, when presedent Donal Trump left the office he left with the lowest approval ratings of any presedent, and I agree with the statement that on Jan 6th uhm, he lost any prospect of getting elected to political office again. But this isn't about politics, this is about accountability, this is about inciting a mob that it intended to take over congress, endangering the lives of political leaders and so until there is accountability, I don't think that this is over
- When we are wearing a mask, other people find us being more attractive
- They became one of the most commercially successful groups of the decade
11개의 단어들과 유의어들
오늘 CBC뉴스에서는 트럼프의 현재 미국에서 진행중인 탄핵소송관련 내용과 지난해 1월에 있었던 우크라이나 여객기 추락사건에 대해 주로 다뤘습니다. 그 내용중에서 새로운 단어들이나 기억할 만한 표현이 있는 11가지의 문장들을 위와 같이 얻었고, 그들이 쓰인 문장들을 딕테이션 한 내용이 위와 같습니다. 이제 아래에 해당 단어들과 함께 외울 유의어들을 적어볼게요.
*참고로 위 11개의 부분들 중 아는 단어가 쓰였어도 문장 자체를 좀 기억하고 싶은 경우에는 포함하였습니다.
- out of concer for : ~ 에 대한 우려때문에
- Exclusive : unique, only, complete, absolute 단독의, 완전히 (오늘 문장에서는 단독으로/단독의 라는 뜻으로 쓰였습니다.)
- Account for: explain, form
- Infiltrator :잠입자/침투자
- Impeachment(탄핵)/senate(상원의원)/dejavu/razor
- inciting(조장/선동하다) : work up, whip up, encourage, stir up
- an insurrection(반란) : revolution
- feed into(~에 넣다 / 반영되다)
- partisan(편파적인): biased, one-sided, colored, prejudiced
- frenzy(광분, 광란): insanity, mania, madness, hysteria
- sear: burn, scald, char, scorch : 타들어가는
- ramble on: babble, gabble : talk or write at length in a confused or inconsequential way
- mob: crowd, mass, the public
- find somone being adj
- one of the most commercially successful (N) of the decade
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